cieem biodiversity metric

Undertake biodiversity unit calculations of direct impacts on habitats from a development. •Defra Biodiversity Offsetting Pilot (2012 - 2014) •CIRIA/CIEEM/IEMA: •BNG Good practice principles for development (2016) •BNG Industry consultation events (2017) •BNG Practical application of the good practice principles for the development industry (Publication in Summer 2018) •Natural England – Defra metric update (Sept 2018) Please visit our dedicated webpages for more information (last updated on 8 December 2020). Development of this practical guidance, together with a series of case studies at a range of scales, were funded by a number of industry sponsors and written by an expert author team. It provides training on undertaking biodiversity unit calculations for a development and its impacts on biodiversity. In February 2019 we published new guidance on how to deliver net gain in practice. maximum delegate number for the course remains unchanged in order to Apply the Mitigation Hierarchy • Principle 2. Charity web design & build by Fat Beehive. In Scotland, many organisations such as CalMac, Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks, Scottish Power, and Network Rail have trialled and are delivering on BNG and there is a growing body of consultants utilising BNG metrics as a tool for leaving biodiversity in a measurably better state than pre-development. Solve the problem and get the whole team trained at once! Evidence of an increase in biodiversity will require a baseline assessment of what is currently present on a site and then an estimation how proposed designs will add to that level, and latterly supported by post-construction evid… 2 The biodiversity metric The biodiversity metric was designed by Natural England and introduced by Defra in 2012 as the main component in Government pilot schemes set up to test ‘biodiversity offsetting’ delivery systems in England. CIRIA, CIEEM and IEMA are developing a set of Principles and associated Good Practice Guidance to help the UK industry achieve ‘Net Gain’ targets for biodiversity. He is a botany specialist, a full member of CIEEM and is on CIEEM’s England Policy Group. Offsetting metrics can focus on habitats, species or ecosystem services and can employ different currencies and units to measure biodiversity changes. It provides training on undertaking biodiversity unit calculations for a development and its impacts on biodiversity. Atkins applied the Defra biodiversity offsetting metric retrospectively to three of Redrow’s existing development sites. Date 9 & 12 February Location Online Training Phase 1 for Development. Please contact CIEEM for advice or if you wish the discuss the courses further. In summary, it’s very deliverable. CIEEM Webinar: Designing Biodiversity Net Gain for Bats Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is development that leaves biodiversity in a measurable better state than beforehand. Biodiversity Offsetting Outside the UK: an Overview Jo Treweek1 and Kerry ten Kate2 Paper Presented to the CIEEM Conference Biodiversity Offsetting: from Theory to Practice; March 18th Birmingham, UK Introduction Decades of environmental impact assessment and other efforts to achieve sustainable development have failed to stop or even slow down rates of biodiversity decline. The Warwickshire, Coventry and Solihull Biodiversity Offsetting Pilot COVID-19. They define ‘Biodiversity Net Gain’ as development that leaves biodiversity in a better state than before. ECOSA performs EcIAs in line with guidance set out by the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM). The The Biodiversity Metric 2.0 Link BNG, net gain, biodiversity net gain, metric Natural England, DEFRA 2019 UK Biodiversity Net Gain: Good Practice Principles for Development Link BNG, net gain, biodiversity net gain CIEEM, IEMA, CIRIA 2016 UK Top . This course is based on the Biodiversity Metric 2.0, which was published by Natural England in 2019. This course is based on the Biodiversity Metric 2.0, which was published by Natural England in 2019. Date 2 & 9 February Location Online Training Calculating and Using Biodiversity Units with Metric 2.0. Biodiversity metrics provide a way to: −Quantify biodiversity value in units −Measure losses compared to gains −Demonstrate where no net loss or net gain is achieved −Embed the mitigation hierarchy −Provide transparency −Indicate where additional mitigation/compensation is required for residual loss 20 Biodiversity metrics The guidance consists of: - Biodiversity Net Gain – Good practice principles for development (2016) - CIRIA C776a Biodiversity Net Gain – A practical guide (2019) It provides training on undertaking biodiversity unit calculations for a development and its impacts on biodiversity. Training, Education and Careers Development Committee (TECDC), I am an ecologist or environmental manager, I want to be an ecologist or environmental manager, I need an ecologist or environmental manager, Biodiversity Net Gain – Good practice principles for development (2016), Biodiversity Net Gain – A practical guide (2019), Biodiversity Net Gain – Case studies (2019), Printed copies of the guide are also available, exploring this further with a new task group, Core Training for Early Career Practitioners, Biodiversity Net Gain and People’s Wellbeing. Bill is a former Trustee of the CIEEM’s Professional Standards Committee and-guidance-for-uk-construction-and- National Biodiversity Network and has led and contributed to CIEEM’s EcIA and PEA developments. Biodiversity net gain still relies on the application of the mitigation hierarchy to avoid, mitigate or compensate for biodiversity losses. Earlier this year, Helen completed CIEEM’s “Calculating and Using Biodiversity Units with Metric 2.0” training course and has since run an in-house training session for the team about how to use the Metric. CIEEM, together with CIRIA and IEMA, has been at the forefront of exploring the potential for a biodiversity net gain approach. Click here to read more about Biodiversity Net Gain on CIEEM’s website. 2 The biodiversity metric The biodiversity metric was designed by Natural England and introduced by Defra in 2012 as the main component in Government pilot schemes set up to test biodiversity offsetting delivery systems. Bespoke tools for designing and delivering mitigation in line with the mitigation hierarchy, including offsets as a final step if needed to achieve target outcomes. Ian and Rachel are hoping to complete this course once the final version of the Metric has been released as well as the … Please Note: This In February 2019 we published new guidance on how to deliver net gain in practice. We are currently exploring this further with a new task group. This classroom-based course is based on the Biodiversity Metric 2.0, which was published by Natural England in 2019. Note: this course does not cover the River element of the Biodiversity Unit Metric V2, as training courses on that element are available by other providers. principles for development developed by CIRIA, CIEEM and IEMA. Provides guidance for each stage of a development project life cycle. However, these have not been subject to any form of audit by CIRIA and are published as submitted, at face value. Ecological consultants who design or are involved with Biodiversity Net Gain developments.EIA practitioners, sustainability and environmental managers working on Biodiversity Net Gain developments who wish to expand their technical knowledge of biodiversity unit calculations. In December 2016 we published the first UK Principles on delivering biodiversity net gain through development following extensive consultation with stakeholders. Use biodiversity unit calculations to support the design of Biodiversity Net Gain. During the course of the project, organisations were invited to submit short case studies to illustrate how they are approaching BNG. ensure value and interactivity and as such if the button below says 'Add It is not a new concept; the NPPF introduced BNG into national planning policy in 2019 and Local Plans are starting to adopt net gain policies. name to waiting list' then the course is fully booked. However, it does not yet include inter-tidal habitats. CIEEM, together with CIRIA and IEMA, has been at the forefront of exploring the potential for a biodiversity net gain approach. Introduces the topic, followed by a summary ‘in a nutshell’ of what implementing BNG involves at each stage of a project life cycle. Experienced in design of loss/gain metrics. Biodiversity Net Gain Through Development. It also provides training on utilising biodiversity unit calculations to support designs of Biodiversity Net Gain and on good practice when using Metric 2.0. This course provides training on biodiversity unit calculations only. In December 2016 we published the first UK Principles on delivering biodiversity net gain through development following extensive consultation with stakeholders. A director of RSK Biocensus, Mark is our Defra metric specialist and has responsibility for training other ecologists in the correct application of assessments using the metric. The Natural England Biodiversity Metric 2.0 is a habitat-based metric to measure BNG, and good practice is to use the metric in combination with ecological information to design BNG based on biodiversity, and not a single number. It also provides training on utilising biodiversity unit calculations to support designs of Biodiversity Net Gain and on good practice when using Metric 2.0. Many are summarised throughout the guide. SLR’s Bob Edmonds has been heavily involved in the design of the UKhab survey methodology as a director of which forms the measurement basis for biodiversity units/ha that are used in DEFRA Metric 2.0 for BNG calculations. Biodiversity Net Gain is development that leaves biodiversity in a better state than before. Download the principles and the guidance: Printed copies of the guide are also available. This course is aimed at individuals with no previous experience in or knowledge of biodiversity unit calculation, as well as individuals with some experience who wish to develop their skills and knowledge in biodiversity unit calculations. CIRIA has recently published guidance on the topic in partnership with CIEEM and IEMA. Sign up to CIEEM's regular eNews to receive updates direct to your inbox on conferences, training, CIEEM activities, sector news and more. Each metric emphasises some aspects of biodiversity more than others, given that biodiversity is complex, multi-dimensional and multi-scale. It is additional to these approaches, not instead of them. Some case studies mention awards or metrics that were applied to the project. Calculating & Using Biodiversity Units with Metric 2.0 & Biodiversity Net Gain Through Development courses because they're booked up? Undertake biodiversity unit calculations of the baseline of a development site. See More 25-26 February – UKHab and the Biodiversity Metric 2.0 … Further advice and support is also available from the Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre (TVERC), which offers a chargeable service to provide metric calculations on behalf of prospective developers and planning applicants. course will be delivered to booked delegates remotely via Zoom 2-5pm air quality, flood risk management). Whereas the other course provides training on Designing Biodiversity Net Gain for development. Where a development has an impact on biodiversity it encourages developers to provide an increase in appropriate natural habitat and ecological features over and above that being affected in such a way it is hoped that the current loss of biodiversity through development will be halted and ecological networks can be restored. The Biodiversity Metric 2.0 encompasses both area (e.g. This document provides a quantitative comparison using a Biodiversity Metric Calculator to identify which of the two schemes yields the highest number of biodiversity units. Sets out the business case for commercial organisations of adopting BNG. The metric has been expanded to ensure that common green infrastructure features are included. Biodiversity Net Gain is an approach to development that leaves biodiversity in a better state than before. ‘Biodiversity Net Gain: Good practice principles for development’ developed by CIRIA, CIEEM and IEMA. Chapter 3 – Understanding and maximising the public sector benefits, Chapter 4 – Incorporating biodiversity net gain into local plans and strategies, Chapter 5 – The business case for developers, Chapter 6 – Developing corporate strategies, Chapter 10 – Ecological impact assessment. All of these publications are free to download either as a single volume or in parts (see diagram below). The full set has been compiled into a separate publication C776b. Biodiversity Net Gain Assessments Using Approved Metrics. Basic guidance on how to use the Defra biodiversity metric 2.0 is available at the Natural England publications website. While this is welcome, we urge that efforts are made to establish a level playing field in use of the metric and to produce clear guidance on good practice to avoid false claims of Biodiversity Net Gain. Charity web design & build by Fat Beehive. Details the benefits, and gives advice on adopting BNG within local plans and planning decisions. Defras aim for the metric was simplicity, and for its offset pilot to ^test how well the metric works in practice _4. Natural England has committed to updating the ‘biodiversity unit’ metric issued by Defra. We are grateful to the following funders for supporting this project: © Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management 2019. Understand good practice for using Metric V2. Atkins also undertook a literature review and explored wider net gain principles to help Redrow’s thinking on the next steps. On 3 December, Mark Lang will be your guide to achieving net gain on site using the Defra biodiversity metric. BIODIVERSITY MITIGATION AND OFFSETS. Local authority ecologists and planners reviewing proposals for, or working on, Biodiversity Net Gain developments.NGOs and land owners / managers who are involved with Biodiversity Net Gain developments and/or proposing and undertaking biodiversity offsets. Date 10 & 17 February Location Online See all events and training. Defras biodiversity metric is a government-issued metric to measure losses and gains in biodiversity from a development. Environmental Net Gain (ENG) follows the same ideas as biodiversity net gain but requires developers to deliver a wider range of environmental benefits over and above the full environmental impact of the proposed development (e.g. Throughout the guide, policies and processes are introduced or outlined, many of which arecommon to many chapters. The summer statement goes a little further in clarifying how DEFRA will define ‘Net Gain’ to biodiversity, establishing the principle that planning permission should only be given if a new development project increasesrather than reduces levels of biodiversity present on a site. Quite simply, a policy of no net loss has not worked and we need to do something different if we are to make any progress towards reaching our biodiversity targets. Chapters 6 to 8 provide guidance on QA and Stakeholder Engagement – aspects that relate to all stages of the life cycle, while Chapters 9 to 13 each deal with a specific life cycle stage. Ecological Survey & Assessment Ltd (ECOSA) | 987 followers on LinkedIn. Biodiversity Net Gain is an approach to development that leaves biodiversity in a better state than before. © Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management 2019. 28-29 January – UKHab and the Biodiversity Metric 2.0 (Intermediate) FULL. Put simply, it involves the use of a metric as a proxy for recognising the negative impacts on habitats arising from a development and calculating how much new or restored habitat, and of what types is required to deliver sufficient net gain. It also provides training on utilising biodiversity unit calculations to support designs of Biodiversity Net Gain and on good practice when using Metric 2.0.Through presentations, case studies and practical exercises, the course covers: • Calculating biodiversity units of a development’s biodiversity baseline• Calculating biodiversity units of impacts on biodiversity• Understanding how biodiversity unit calculations can help to inform application of the mitigation hierarchy • Using biodiversity units to assess how much habitat is to be created or enhanced to achieve Biodiversity Net Gain • Understanding good practice for using biodiversity unit calculations Note: there is overlap between this course and CIEEM’s training course on Designing Biodiversity Net Gain through Development. Development of this practical … 3-4 February – Mapping Woodlands and Boundaries (Advanced) 10-11 February – Introducing UKHab for Practitioners (Intermediate) FULL. Defra has recently consulted on making biodiversity net gain a mandatory element of the English planning system however many developers are already designing net gain into their development projects and national planning policy frameworks already encourage the net gain approach. For readers requiring additional information on these topics, a set ofeleven technical notes have been produced. on 03 September with a second Zoom session on 10 September 2-5pm. Biodiversity Net Gain Assessments are undertaken to quantify the net change in biodiversity value of a site post-development. Sign up to CIEEM's regular eNews to receive updates direct to your inbox on conferences, training, CIEEM activities, sector news and more. CIEEM, CIRIA, IEMA Biodiversity Net Gain – Good Practice Principles & Guidance • Principle 1. From 03 September 2020 To 10 September 2020. grasslands) and linear (such as rivers and streams) habitats. 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