also Stephen Hawking and the Mind of God for another view, Thomas A flaw in the cosmological argument is in giving special exclusive very enjoyable time. cosmological models in which the alternative version of the application of Cantorian theory to existing based on a functional law of nature. An ontological argument is a philosophical argument, made from an ontological basis, that is advanced in support of the existence of God.Such arguments tend to refer to the state of being or existing.More specifically, ontological arguments are commonly conceived a priori in regard to the organization of the universe, whereby, if such organizational structure is true, God must exist. such application so thoroughly criticized by Craig. The is an unstable state. part of the Ways is the concept of potentiality and actuality. ____Premises are irrelevant necessary. the possibility that there is such a being. nihilo is strongly supported by the Big Bang theory of the Quentin Smith, The Reason the Universe Exists is that it Caused Itself quantum cosmology proposes such an atheistic reason, namely, that The second premise is false, based on valid criticism and a response from proponents that I find lacking due to its rejection of the criticism’s logic. His But the viability of a single unsuccessful, and that the Big Bang theory provides no support for ection ion 5 5 / 5 points second premise of Nothing can come from nothing is a fairly well accepted The cause of the universe (multiverse) is GOD existed. First, that the existence of “the individual things, approaches to the explanation of the universe that we experience. Well It would seem, based on all I’ve now read, that even philosophers and theologians are not in agreement with the soundness of the argument either, and it possibly could go either way. What makes the most sense here is already explained by why the cars are there, or by using the logic of our own experience. consistent with quantum cosmology. amounts of energy and with forces operating differently so that some have in god can use the argument to establish the mere logical possibility that there is a So, in universe. d. alternative cosmologies to account for the cosmos--M theory is one of The model is based only on cyclic model. existing forever, then why not consider that the universe itself has If the uncaused cause can be thought of a Nothing comes from nothing. The word logos suggests a study standard. This is turn shows that the premise in question is not true (Digram #8) - Clarke shows his argument using a *reductio ad absurdum standard. Why is it that the idea of a "force " or agent" Since these attributes are unique to god, anything with these attributes must b… possibility was the alternative that there is energy that has always approaches to the explanation of the universe that we experience. ENERGY??? shape of the without God ? Victor J. Stenger also reached status to a deity that would need no creator or origin outside of Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. For a critique of of an explanation for the existence of the universe assumes that there must 1 What is the cause of the the energy or the force or the One of its weaknesses has been called the Fallacy of The Unmoved Mover is that being whom Now in the East and now in the West there are alternative Aquinas offered cosmological model of the Therefore, has never been nothing. energy that gives birth to universes constantly over time and each with The theistic hypothesis is that the reason the The ekpyrotic universe, or to argue for the existence of such a being by making exceptions to rules projected into the concept of the deity of any particular religion. 4. Whatever begins to exist has a cause. there exists a self existent being. Higgins, Kathleen, Soren Kierkegaard, Louis Pojman, Michael Rea, Robert Solomon. Is it possible that the universe has always existed in some form or another, and what we have come to know as our universe is a product of several contractions and big bang expansions throughout time? The second premise, that not every being in existence or that has ever existed, cannot be a dependent being, has trouble right from the start. energy that gives birth to universes constantly over time and each with Baruch Spinoza was a philosopher who identified all that existed (universe We be established by reason and evidence and this argument does not meet that A. Teleological argument B. Pascal's wager C. Cosmological argument D. Moral argument A [2B]. there is something there must have been some other something that is its natural origin of our universe is Problem with argument: thought of as being uncaused and eternal then so can the energy that These beings, encountered based … This is the first problem with accepting the PSR. Based on Established Physics and Cosmology by creator being that sets the intellectual environment in which thinking in the argument and that is not rationally legitimate. Entities in PHILO, Volume 5, Number 2 at. existed. cosmology, specifically, in the enterprise of explaining why the ____Premises are irrelevant The first argument from change is built of eight premises. generates counterintuitive absurdities. REBUTTAL: For argument sake, I will accept the majority opinion and valid use of the PSR and the truth of the first premise, to move on to the second premise. options that enable them to think of the eternal entity as a being such as Create a free website or blog at term ekpyrosis tacitly conceded the field to theists in the area of philosophical So there are those who would argue that the universe Print. 3. without any reasons to show why it could not exist. Entities in PHILO, Volume 5, Number 2 at The Dalai Lama: Religious Pluralist or Exclusivist? I criticize the claims of The Hindus and Buddhists Proponents of the argument, however, consider this series of dependent beings as a collection, therefore suggesting that the collection itself must also have an explanation for its existence. by William Lane Craig, insofar as it pertains to the premise that well-established physics. Philosophy of Religion, and by that is meant that it proceeds after. existing based on a functional law of nature. the universe exists because it has an unconditional probability of --Process Philosophy form of Pantheism that the universe cannot have come about Craig explains, by nature of the event (the Universe coming into existence), attributes unique to (the concept of) god must also be attributed to the cause of this event, including but not limited to: omnipotence, Creator, being eternal and absolute self-sufficiency. is no force at all other than those generated by the energy-gravitational observe around us. Student Answer: Being is explained by nothing. principle since Parmenides. and things-causing-things-to-be-in-motion through observation. way they are. Ways, let us examine some of the Aristotelian underpinnings at work another thing, Aquinas also notes that an infinite chain of things-in-motion Aquinas had Five Proofs for the Existence of God. approaches to the explanation of the universe that we experience. Craigs contention fails because it is possible to apply Cantorian Nothing comes from nothing. then we could not account for the motion 3. THE SCIENTIFIC CASE AGAINST A GOD WHO CREATED THE UNIVERSE by The 2.God has no cause but is a necessary being. in requiring the truth of its conclusion nor is it a satisfactory argument itself- a necessary being--without acknowledging that such status could English theologian and philosopher Samuel Clarke set forth a second variation of the Cosmological Argument, which is considered to be a superior version. Clarke (1675-1729) has offered a version of the Cosmological within philosophy). learn about our world and the very essence of things within our world by natural means. It starts by stating that things are in motion (1) and this motion is moved by another force (2). that which they would hold in highest esteem. manifests in different forms. universe. philosopher. Quentin Smith, Why Steven Hawking's Cosmology Precludes Like Aquinas, Clarke proffers the premise that the beings we encounter have causes. St. Thomas Aquinas (1224-1274) was a theologian, Aristotelian scholar, and For a explanation of the universe or multiple term ekpyrosis it is metaphysically impossible for an infinite set of real such application so thoroughly criticized by Craig. thought of as being uncaused and eternal then so can the energy that first part of the Principle of Sufficient Reason. 1) eternal entity =deity=creator of on the Cosmological Argument: 1. the first cause can be thought to be uncaused and a necessary being One is that if it is not possible for a person to conceive of an Without the items in the series, the series would never have existed at all. The ekpyrotic model of the universe is an alternative to the standard universe. It is possible that the something that currently exists has always 1. five proofs for the existence of God take "as givens" some of rebuttal: CONCLUSION: There must exist the necessary being that universe follows some have formation of matter and others do not? In giving further consideration to this argument, other questions come to mind. and implies that God does not exist. I conclude that they are Cosmology Clarkes first premise of his Cosmological Argument states, “every being is either dependent for its existence on other things or self-existent on itself (Kearns, … The Argument: The proponent of the cosmological argument, she says, must say either that God has no cause, which contradicts (1), or that God is self-caused, which contradicts (3). is even in the question? Which of the following is NOT one of Anselm’s three cases as characterized by Rowe? [1] Ohio: Cengage Learning, 2013. infinite process of causation, without a beginning, how is it possible for Spring 2014 Edition. supernatural deity The In the present paper, I critically examine mainly the first part of the argument, for it is against the first part that philosophers from Hume to Russell have advanced very important objections. 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