Lost cards can only be returned to a player’s hand during a scenario by using a special recover action. It first focuses on the Brute (a), since he is the closest enemy. The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and, Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No, Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap...And Others Don't. If it had a single-target melee attack, it would move 1 hex (b) to be adjacent to the Brute and attack. When a personal quest is fulfilled, the personal quest card is removed from the game. Some attacks and other abilities allow figures to target multiple hexes or multiple targets at the same time. If players desire an extra threat of danger, they can decide to play Gloomhaven with permanent death. The character may perform any other town activities beforehand, but he or she cannot play any new scenarios using a character with a fulfilled personal quest. Any time a character successfully completes a battle goal card at the end of a scenario, they receive a number of checkmarks, which are tracked in the specified area of the notes section of their character sheet. Example: indicates which type of monster is placed on this hex, and in this case no monster is placed in for two characters, a normal monster is placed for three characters, and an elite monster is placed for four characters. When a monster type takes an action, each monster of that type will perform the actions listed on their played ability card, starting with elites and then normal monsters in ascending standee order. A monster will attack on its turn if “Attack±X” is part of its ability card. Rule books just aren’t something that most people can easily digest and understand. A top action (d) and bottom action (e). In a scenario’s entry in the Scenario Book, the scenarios that are linked to that entry are listed on the upper right side of the page. However, any ranged attack targeting an adjacent enemy also gains Disadvantage for that target. Unlike other effects, PIERCE is applied while calculating the accompanying attack damage instead of afterwards. Gloomhaven is a cooperative game of tactical combat, battling monsters and advancing a player's own individual goals in a persistent and changing world that is ideally played over many game sessions. All text is taken directly from the official rule book and any mistakes are my own. Otherwise, it is shown to the left of the modifier value (f). It will simply move according to the above rules and then use its other abilities as best as it can. Players can choose to place their figures on any empty hex at the start of the scenario. The achievement system is the main way that players will keep track of major changes in the world and what scenarios a particular party has access to while playing in campaign mode. Summoned monsters are placed in an empty hex adjacent to the summoning monster and also as close to an enemy as possible. Both push and pull effects are considered movements, however, they are not affected by difficult terrain. In the case where the monster can move the same number of spaces to get within range (and line-of-sight) of multiple enemy figures (e.g., because it starts its turn within range of multiple enemies), proximity from the monster’s current position (i.e. They will allow the player to open a sealed box or envelope, which will usually unlock a new character class. Piles of damage tokens (n), money tokens (o), and condition tokens (p). A character can never lose a checkmark that would cause him or her to lose a perk, have negative money, or be brought below the minimum experience required for his or her current level, and the town can never be brought below the minimum prosperity for its current level. The effect of the ability will be active from the time the card is played until the end of the round, at which point the card will be placed in the player’s discard or lost pile (depending on whether the action also contains an symbol). Each reference number applies to both the city and road event decks. A space for notes (c). It is not possible to target the same enemy with multiple attacks from the same ability. If there are multiple modifiers in any single step of this process, the player chooses the order in which they are applied. The condition remains on the figure until the requirements for removing the specific effect are met. There are three versions of this document: The following section will teach you the mechanics for playing through an individual scenario, using the first one in the Scenario Book, Black Barrow, as an example. The leading card designation used to determine initiative is no longer significant. Summoned figures never take a turn in the round they are summoned. Once a scenario’s success or failure conditions are triggered, the remainder of the round is played out, and then the scenario ends. There are two types of achievements: global achievements and party achievements. Global achievements are tracked with stickers along the top of the world map. A room may contain more than one map tile if those tiles are connected by other overlay tiles. Any checkmarks from a battle goal that are left over after achieving a perk are applied toward the next perk. README.mdcontains all the relevant images from the rule book and weighs in at about 16MB. 6 Monster Stat Sleeves 9. number of hexes they are away, not counting through walls) is then checked as a tie-breaker for determining “closest.”, If more than one enemy ties for being the closest, the second priority is to focus on the enemy who is, If a monster ability card with a shuffle symbol, If there are any elemental infusion tokens in the. If the archer has a Range 3 attack and Move 2, she will move to hex (b) and attack her focus. (Source: Page 5, Gloomhaven Rulebook) Four of them are for player characters (labeled 1-4). A party in campaign mode can switch to casual mode to go through a scenario they have already completed, but it is strongly recommended that a party not undertake a scenario in casual mode that they haven’t yet experienced in campaign mode. Can be placed to increase the graphical depiction of an area attack. Conditions, elemental infusions, or other special effects of the attack (d). Note that each type of monster can come in two ranks: normal and elite. Every character should have a name. Players will assume the roles of hardened mercenaries and work together to fight through a campaign full of choices, challenges, and twists. Multiple shield bonuses stack with one another and can be applied in any order. When in Gloomhaven, characters have the opportunity to buy item cards by spending the gold they’ve collected from scenarios. If there are no available hexes, the summon ability cannot be used. Each scenario map is broken up into separate rooms by door overlay tiles. It doesn’t matter what the game is, or how easily understood by gamers the rules are, rule books just completely ruin board gaming for most people. So I came into writing a rule book for Gloomhaven thinking it would be much simpler. "locked, when you start a Campaign in the Gloomhaven Box . Note that there are two separate curse decks: 10 cards with a in the lower left corner and 10 cards with an . These conditions usually track the number of times a particular game event has occurred, such as making or defending against an attack. If this symbol is present on a monster’s ability card, the players choose which element is created or consumed. Some attacks may have either Advantage or Disadvantage. The suggested difficulty is to use no penalties in the first room, the minor penalty of the second room when it is revealed, and the major penalty of the third room when it is revealed. When the item can be used and the bonus gained by the character when the item card is used (e). Once the token moves twice, the card is moved to the player’s lost pile and the bonus is no longer active.**. If a player starts a character above Level 1, they should go through all the steps outlined on p. 44 for each level increase in sequence, up to and including their chosen starting level. A monster will perform each of these abilities in the order listed (if possible) and then end its turn (see Monster Turn on pp. Attack effects are applied regardless of whether the corresponding attack does damage. 41–42 for details). GAME DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT: Isaac Childres, GRAPHIC DESIGN: Josh McDowell, Isaac Childres, ART: Alexandr Elichev, Álvaro Nebot, Josh McDowell, EDITING: Jim Spivey, Mathew G. Somers, Marcel Cwertetschka, SPECIAL THANKS: Figures can apply positive conditions to themselves or allies through specific actions. When a character gains the amount of experience listed on the table to the right, they must level up. DISARM – If a figure is disarmed, it cannot perform any attack abilities. When attacking, the base attack value written on the card can be modified by three types of values in the following order. In addition to specific loot abilities, a character must also loot any money tokens or treasure tiles present in the hex he or she occupies at the end of the character’s turn. Apply the bonuses of the marked perk box to the character’s modifier deck using the class’s accompanying deck of available modifier cards. When these special effects are activated, they function exactly as if they had been written on the action card being used for the attack. Additionally, there will be special overlay tiles to fill out the encounter. If a room has two entrances, players must use the entrance that corresponds to the previous room’s exit. The new hex becomes an additional target of the attack. The value of the modifier for the attack (a). Any damage dealt is calculated from its base attack value (found on its monster statistic card) modified by X (either positive or negative). It finds the shortest possible path to get in range and line-of-sight to use its attack, and the figure that can be attacked at the end of that path is the focus. Played cards are normally placed in a player’s discard pile unless otherwise noted. If there are no conditions specified or positions marked, the card may remain in the player’s active area for the rest of the scenario and can be removed from play at any time by placing it in the lost pile. At the end of its next turn, the MUDDLE token is removed. The specific map tile(s) used to create the room (g). These cards should be removed at the end of a scenario. The available starting character locations, depicted by (r) . PIERCE X – Up to X points of the target’s Shield are ignored for the attack. A count of how many of this item are in the game (h) and where this card lies within that count (i). If this is the first room of the dungeon, players can place their figure on any empty hex within two hexes of the entrance. It can move up to a number of hexes equal to its base move value (found on its monster statistic card) modified by X (either positive or negative). Yeah, no. As characters level up, the recommended scenario level will also increase, as discussed on p. 15. A player must select a number of cards equal to his or her character’s hand size. A figure cannot end its movement in the same hex as another figure. To compensate for this, solo players should increase the monster level and trap damage by 1 for any given scenario without increasing gold conversion and bonus experience. Whenever any damage is dealt to a character, the player has two options: Whenever a character is healed, move his or her hit point total on the tracking wheel up the appropriate number (d). Please contact us if there are game rules you can’t find on this page. No character may own duplicates of the same item. Each kind of enhancement sticker has a different function and has restrictions on where it can be placed. Rewards can include global or party achievements, extra gold or experience for each party member, prosperity increases, unlocked scenarios, items, or item designs. Next, players should decide which ability cards they would like to put in their hand, choosing from the pool of those available to them. An ally can be within the affected area of an attack, but they will not be targeted by it. If players are playing in a campaign, successfully completing a scenario will also allow them to read the conclusion flavor text of the scenario and gain the benefits listed at the end (see Scenario Completion on p. 49 for details). The target can be pulled through its allies, but not its enemies. Gloomhaven: Rule book, scenario book, cards, counters, dials, and tokens: 1 to 4. This will increase monster levels, trap damage, gold gained from money tokens, and scenario completion experience. A party can have a maximum reputation of 20 and a minimum reputation of -20. gloomhaven solo scenario rewards pdf. 25–26 for details). A rolling modifier symbol (g) indicates that an additional modifier card should be drawn. The list of what items are made available at each prosperity level can be found to the right. 16 3 4. In addition, once a scenario has been completed in campaign mode, it cannot be undertaken again in campaign mode by any party. When the two ability cards are played on a player’s turn, one is used for the top action and the other for the bottom action. If a perk has multiple check boxes next to it, this means that the perk can be gained multiple times for the cost of one perk each. Elemental infusions can be used to augment the effects of certain abilities. When a character reaches a new level, add one new card to their active card pool. Characters do not automatically gain experience from killing monsters. When a character dies, all the materials for the character are returned to the box, any items the character owned are returned to the city’s available supply, all money the character owned is gone, their personal quest is shuffled back into the personal quest deck, and their character sheet is removed from the game. A modular board of map tiles (a), constructed in a specific configuration using the Scenario Book as a reference (see Scenario Setup on pp. It is possible to run out of available personal quest cards. The recommended scenario level is equal to the average level of the characters in the party, divided by 2 and rounded up; this would be considered “Normal” difficulty. Customization: pick among several cards for abilities/powers: N/A: Overarching story, with many scenarios unlocked and described/set up in scenario book. If players desire to reduce the variance in damage caused by the “2x” and “Null” attack modifier effects, they can instead treat BLESS and the standard “2x” cards as a +2 modifier and CURSE and the standard “Null” cards as a -2 modifier. As soon as the action of a card is completed, it is immediately placed in the appropriate area (discard pile, lost pile, or active area) before anything else happens. If a card depicts neither of these symbols, there are no restrictions on the number of times it can be used during a scenario, other than what is written in the text of the card. Refresh abilities allow players to regain the use of spent or consumed item cards. Once players have completed “The Power of Enhancement” global achievement, they can spend gold while visiting Gloomhaven to increase the power of their ability cards. All battle goals are shuffled back into the battle goal deck, regardless of whether they were completed. As characters gain experience, they will increase in level (see Leveling Up on pp. In the case of a. If this symbol appears on a card, shuffle the corresponding monster’s ability discard pile back into the draw deck at the end of the round. Whenever a “Random Item Design” is listed as the reward when looting a treasure tile, the looting player should draw a card from the random item design deck. He also decides he wants to go late in the round, so he choses the “61” as his leading card. It is possible to run out of specific types of monster standees when revealing a room. City events and road events have different art and content, but they work the same way. Place all active round bonus ability cards in the appropriate discard or lost pile (depending on whether an action with a [lost card] symbol was used). The player should create a new entry in the class’s corresponding character sheet notepad, and also draw two random personal quest cards, choosing to keep one and shuffling the other back into the deck. If the monster had a ranged attack, it would remain in its current hex and attack the Brute. As the characters grow in power, the town of Gloomhaven grows in prosperity. An ability card cannot be played for the experience alone—a character must use one or more of the accompanying abilities to earn the experience. Exhaustion due to insufficient cards does not affect a character’s current hit point total. Icons directing players to either remove the event card from the game (h) or return it to the bottom of the corresponding event deck (i) after the outcome is resolved. Players must work together out of necessity … If there are no personal quest cards left when a player creates a new character, then that character does not receive a personal quest. If the retaliating figure is killed or exhausted by the attack, then the retaliate does not activate. Monsters without the Flying trait consider negative hexes (traps or hazardous terrain) to be obstacles when determining focus and movement unless movement through one of these hexes is the only way they can focus on a target. A space for additional notes (h). The card selected must be from the character’s class and have a card level equal to or less than the character’s new level. The choice of scenario level is completely up to the players. This is mainly relevant for linked scenarios (see Traveling and Road Events on pp. Players must either play two cards from their hand or declare a long rest action at the beginning of every round. A player can have multiple different summon abilities in play at once, in which case they act in the order in which they were summoned. Designations for where players enter (c) or exit (d) the room and what types the entrance(s) and exit(s) are (see below for details). If two rolling modifier cards were drawn, continue to draw cards until a rolling modifier is not drawn and then add together all drawn effects (c). Descriptions for any treasure tile contents (j). The total number of enhanced cards in a class’s ability deck must be equal to or less than the prosperity level of the town. “Collective” rewards or penalties are distributed among the party, and rewards or penalties specified as “each” are applied to each character in the party individually. Gloomhaven Rules: You will find links to the official Gloomhaven rules below. Less. If there are no viable hexes into which to pull the target, the pull ends. 66,05 € 66,05 € 79,90 € 79,90€ Lieferung bis Dienstag, 17. 44–45 for details) have the symbol of that character class (m). However, if an item affects an attack (e.g. 29–32 for details). This space also includes a track for checkmarks (i) attained through battle goals. This allows players to follow a story thread as they make decisions and explore a path of their own choosing. A choice should be read top to bottom, resolving all outcomes that apply to the party. These cards look very similar to normal item cards, but have a blue back, shown at the right. 253 Item Cards 17. 41–42 for details). If an attack effect is listed on an ability card after an attack, the target (or targets) of the attack is subject to the additional effect as well, after damage from the attack is resolved. Example: After completing the Black Barrow scenario, the party unlocks the Barrow Lair scenario. Figures can never move through walls. Note also that as long as an attack does not specify range, it is considered melee, such that it is possible to attack a non-adjacent target with a melee attack if hex configuration allows. In both cases, the rest action can -only be taken if a player has two or more cards in his or her discard pile, and a rest action always results in losing one of the discarded cards. 44–45 for details). When the game box is opened and the campaign begins, the city’s available supply should consist of all copies of Item 001 through Item 014. 18 Character Miniatures 3. Players must still play two cards or rest on their turn, and if a player plays two cards while stunned, the actions played are not used, and the cards are simply discarded. Summons: Monster summon abilities place new monsters on the board that behave exactly like the normal monsters, acting according to played monster ability cards of their type. “Main line ability” refers to an ability written in large font (as opposed to modifiers written in a smaller font under the main line): The base cost associated with any enhancement depends on the sticker and what ability the sticker is enhancing. Players also recover all lost and discarded ability cards, refresh all spent and exhausted item cards, and return their hit point dials to their maximum hit point value so that they can start fresh in a future scenario. Any achievements (d) required to play the scenario in a campaign. When the box is first opened, the following six classes are available to play: Brute , Tinkerer , Spellweaver , Scoundrel , Cragheart , and Mindthief . Once a character class has been chosen, the player takes the corresponding character mat, character tokens, and that character’s starting hand of Level 1 ability cards from the larger tuck box containing the character’s symbol, as well as the miniature contained in the smaller character tuck box. Any damage suffered by a monster should be tracked on the stat sleeve in the section corresponding to the number on the specific monster’s standee. Monster statistic cards give easy access to the base statistics of a given monster type for both its normal and elite variants. A reference grid for the map (f) so that scenario locations can more easily be found. Welcome to the solo scenario book! When the prosperity of Gloomhaven increases, a square on the prosperity track should be marked for every point of increase, moving from left to right (see Gloomhaven Prosperity on p. 48 for details). At the beginning of every scenario, each character receives two battle goal cards in secret and chooses one to keep, discarding the other. If an ability has the name of one of these conditions contained within it, then the condition is applied to all targets of the ability, after the main effect of the ability is applied. Kristyn Childres, Katie, Finn, Ada, and Cora McDowell, Charilaos Bacharis, Clinton Bradford, Brandon Butcher, Travis Chance, Joseph Childres, Rob Daviau, Paul Grogan, Brendon Hall, Richard Ham, Kasper Hansen, Walker Hardin, Chuck Hennemann, Scott Horton, Brian Hunter, David Isakov, Alexander Klatte, Carl Klutzke, Brian Lee, Nick Little, Kevin Manning, Jan Meyberg, Timo Multamäki, Ray Phay, Joan Prats, Andrew Ritchey, Adam Sadler, Brady Sadler, Eric Sanson, Scott Starkey, JC Trombley, Arne Vikhagen, Michael Wilkins, Stefan Zappe, KICKSTARTER CONTRIBUTORS: Each round, after players have selected their own ability cards, one card is played for each monster type currently on the board from their respective decks of monster ability cards. Players will create new characters when they first start playing the game, when they retire an old character and wish to continue playing, or pretty much whenever they want to try something new. Then each time afterward that she normally would suffer 1 or more points of damage, the bonus is applied, the damage is negated, and the token is moved forward one space. If players exit a room from an A exit, they must enter the next room from an A entrance and vice versa with B. The game box also includes a small sealed book titled “Town Records.” Players are directed to open this book once the first character retires, at which point they can begin reading the book from front to back. At the end of every round, simply move the tracker token forward one space. Rule Book_3p V2.pdf. Leveling up only occurs in town. Any attack that does not specify a range on the monster ability card should use the base range of the monster written on its stat card. Each edge of the cards, on both sides, reflects the statistics for a given scenario level. An unofficial lightweight, searchable copy of the rule book. These abilities are denoted with symbols, and the cards with these effects are played into the active area in front of the player to keep track of these bonuses. I would also like to specifically thank the backers who created official scenarios during the campaign: Marcel Cwertetschka, Tim and Kim De Smet, Jared Gillespie, David Isakov, Jeremy Kaemmer, Mathew G. Somers. During any part of a character’s movement, if they enter a tile with a closed door, flip the door tile to the opened side and immediately reveal the adjacent room on the other side of the door. These effects (except experience gains) are optional and can be skipped. It was a long journey, and I only made it through with your help. Reference number for the item (j), which is on the back of the card. A party is formed when a new group of players gets together to play the game. The maximum number of ability cards the class can take into battle (h). When an item is sold, it goes back into the city’s available supply, and the character receives the calculated amount of gold. All bosses have their own stat card but act using a universal “Boss” ability card deck (a). MUDDLE – If a figure is muddled, it gains Disadvantage on all of its attacks. Looting: Monsters do not perform end-of-turn looting, but some monsters do have loot actions. There is no coming back from being exhausted during a scenario, and thus it should be avoided at all costs. When a player creates a new character, he or she gains access to that character’s character mat and deck of Level 1 and “X” ability cards. 40 R… A monster will focus on the enemy figure it can perform its current attack against using the least amount of movement. A single player can play the game as a solo experience by controlling two or more characters at once. A brand new copy of Gloomhaven, delivered to your doorstep. Learn more Easy sharing FlippingBook makes content delivery easy. The type of traps used in this scenario (s) and the reward for looting any treasure tiles on the board (t). Example: / indicates which type of monster is placed on this hex, and in this case no monster is placed in for two characters, a normal monster is placed for three characters, and an elite monster is placed for four characters. Players can then decide which items they would like to equip from the collection of items they own (adding in -1 cards to their attack modifier decks when applicable). Players can keep track of their battle goal progress using notes if necessary. Just like characters, monsters also have the ability to create and consume elements. These traits are permanent and persist from round to round. Only one copy of each character class can be played in any given scenario. Invisibility does not affect a figure’s interactions with his or her allies. Even if a monster cannot move into attack range, it will still use its movement to get as close as possible to its focus. For any attack that targets multiple enemies, an attack modifier card is drawn for each target. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. The map tiles should be laid out with doors (b) connecting them. A shield bonus only applies to damage caused by an attack. At the end of every round, however, all elemental infusions will wane, moving one step to the left in the table, from “Strong” to “Waning” or from “Waning” to “Inert.”. If it is a multi-target attack, it will move toward a position where its attack will hit its focused enemy and as many other enemies as possible. History. A map of Gloomhaven (a) and the surrounding area (b). When playing a class for the first time, it is recommended that players use a hand comprised entirely of Level 1 cards (denoted by a 1 below the title). The modifier listed on the card is then applied to the attack, possibly reducing or increasing its numerical value. The campaign board is used to track the global progress of the game world. Dan has been a tabletop gamer ever since he first played Dungeons & Dragons as a 10-year-old during the ’80s, just like the kids out of Stranger Things. If a monster has multiple attacks, it will choose the focus of its other attacks following normal focus rules, excluding figures it is already attacking. Played cards are acquired when starting a new party caused by an ability! A choice should be laid out with doors ( b ) round to.., this will increase in cost at a higher reputation and an increase in level ( Visiting. Multiple separate augments, the player chooses the order in which they are immune to certain negative conditions affinity! Does not activate party may complete a road event retire and new characters be! 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